วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2561

Questions To Consider About Intelligent Textile Testing Labs Secrets

textile testing equipments

The Challenges Today For Crucial Elements In [textile Testing]

Outlines For No-nonsense Strategies In

Members of the AMS Cotton and Tobacco Program’s Standardization and Engineering Division in Memphis, Tenn S&E produces and distributes physical cotton classification standards for all ten of the department’s cotton classification (grading) labs . These standards provide the physical references used to test and measure numerous fiber characteristics on all cotton produced in the U.S. each year - over 20 million bales in 2017-18 (over 10 billion pounds). The fiber properties determine the market value of the cotton for the farmer as well as the end use of the cotton at the spinning mill. It is imperative that all testing instruments and human classers are extremely accurate at all times, and the standards provided by S&E are the basis for ensuring that accuracy. The USDA standards produced annually by S&E have served as the basis for cotton classification in the USDA cotton grading system since 1908.  In addition to supplying cotton standards for USDA labs, S&E fills approximately 500 cotton standards orders annually to hundreds of cotton testing labs from more than 50 countries. The USDA standards are globally recognized as the international standard for cotton testing and are therefore found in practically every testing laboratory around the world. For the 100-million plus bales of cotton produced in the world each year, the USDA cotton standards serve as the primary valuation reference and facilitator of trade for a world cotton crop valued at more than $30 billion. In total, more than 75,000 pounds of the USDA cotton standards are distributed annually with the largest customer countries outside of the U.S. being China, India, Australia and Brazil. All of these standards are made and distributed from Memphis, the only place in the world that makes them.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2018/05/24/ams-sets-gold-standard-cotton

textile testing labs

